
1. The relationship between the model and the code

The aim of the laboratory

The aim of the laboratory:

  • Getting to know the students/instructor
  • Clarification of the requirements for the laboratories
  • Getting started with Visual Studio and .NET application development.
  • Creating a simple Hello World .NET application, C# basics
  • Illustrating the relationship between UML and code
  • How to use an interface and an abstract base class
For instructors

Although there are certainly students who have used the Visual Studio environment before, either during the Prog2 (C++) course or for other reasons, there will almost certainly be others who have not used it or who remember it less. The goal here is to get familiar with the interface, so while solving the tasks, continuously explain the features being used (e.g. Solution Explorer, F5 run, using breakpoints, etc.), in order to create our very first C# application.


Tools needed to complete the laboratory:

  • Visual Studio 2022

It is recommended to install the latest version of Visual Studio. The Community Edition, Professional and Enterprise versions are also suitable. The Community Edition is free and can be downloaded from the Microsoft website. The Professional is paid, but it is also available free of charge to students of the university (on the website, as part of the Azure Dev Tools for Teaching programme).

Visual Studio Class Diagram support

For some of the exercises in this laboratory (and also for the first homework) we will use the Visual Studio Class Designer support. Visual Studio does not always add the Class Designer component during installation. If it is not possible to add a Class Diagram to your Visual Studio project (because the Class Diagram is not listed in the list of the window that appears during the Add New Item command - more on this later in this guide), you will need to install the Class Diagram component later:

  1. Start the Visual Studio installer (e.g. by typing "Visual Studio Installer" in the Windows Start menu).
  2. In the window that appears, select the "Individual components" tab
  3. In the search box, type "class designer" and then make sure that "Class Designer" is checked in the filtered list.

    Class diagram support installation

What you should review:

  • There is no lecture associated with this laboratory. However, the laboratory builds on basic UML knowledge and the principles of mapping UML class diagrams to code.

Structure of the laboratory

At the beginning of the exercise, the instructor summarizes the requirements for the laboratories:

  • Most of these can be found in the course data sheet
  • Information about the homework assignments can be found on the course website.

We will create .NET applications in C# using the Visual Studio development tool. C# is similar to Java, we will gradually learn the differences. The laboratory is guided, and tasks are carried out together based on the instructor's instructions.


Download the completed solution

❗ It is essential to work following the instructor during the lab, it is forbidden (and pointless) to download the final solution. However, during subsequent independent practice, it can be useful to review the final solution, so we make it available.

The solution is available on GitHub. The easiest way to download it is to clone it to your computer via the command line using the git clone command:

git clone -b megoldas

You need to have the command-line git installed on your machine, more information here.

Task 1 - Creating a "Hello world" .NET console application

The task is to create a C# console application that prints the text "Hello world!" to the console.

The application is written in C#. The compiled application is run by the .NET runtime. The theoretical background of compiling/running and the basics of .NET are covered in the first lecture.

The steps to create a solution and a project within it in Visual Studio 2022:

  1. Start a new project wizard, which can be done in two ways
    • Using the startup window
      1. Launch Visual Studio
      2. In the right-hand sidebar of the launch window that appears, choose Create new project
    • In a running Visual Studio
      1. File / New-Project
  2. In the Create new project wizard, select the Console app (and NOT the Console app (.NET Framework) template, choose the C# one. That it is C# is indicated by the top left corner of the template icon. If it doesn’t appear in the list, you have to search/filter for it. You can search for it by typing "console" in the top search bar, or use the drop-down boxes below: set the first one (language) to "C#" and the third one (project type) to "Console".

    Creating a new project

  3. Next button at the bottom of the wizard window, on the next wizard page:

    1. Project name: Hello World
    2. Location: in the labs, work in the **c:\work** folder, you have write access to it.
    3. Solution name: Hello World (this should be written in by the time we get here)
    4. Place solution and project in the same directory: no tick (but not particularly significant).
  4. Next button at the bottom of the wizard window, on the next wizard page:

    1. Framework: .NET 8 (Long-term support).
    2. Check the "Do not use top level statements" checkbox (we will return to this explanation shortly).

The project also creates a new solution, whose structure can be viewed in the Visual Studio Solution Explorer window. A solution can consist of several projects, and a project can consist of several files. A solution is a summary of the entire working environment (it includes a file with the extension .sln), while the output of a project is typically a file .exe or .dll, i.e. a component of a complex application/system. The project file extension for C# applications is .csproj.

The content of our Program.cs file is as follows:

namespace HelloWorld
    internal class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

Add a Console.ReadKey() line:

namespace HelloWorld
    internal class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
  1. Run the application (e.g. using the F5 key).

    The structure of the code is very similar to Java and C++. Our classes are organised into namespaces. A namespace can be defined with the keyword namespace. To bring namespaces into scope use the using keyword. e.g:

    using System.Collections.Generic;
  2. In a C# console application, the entry point of the application is defined by writing a static function named Main. The class name can be anything, VS generated a class called Program in our case. The parameter list of the Main function is fix: either no parameters are given, or a string[] is given, in which the command line arguments are given at runtime.

  3. In .NET, the Console class of the System namespace is used to handle standard input and output. With the static operation WriteLine you can write a line, with ReadKey you can wait for a key to be pressed.

Top level statements, Implicit and static usings, and namespaces

When creating the project earlier, we checked the "Do not use top-level statements" checkbox. If we had not done this, our Program.cs file would contain only one meaningful line:

// See for more information
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

This is functionally equivalent to the code above containing the Program class and its Main function. Let's see what makes this possible (you can read more about them here, both new in C# 10):

  • Top level statements. The idea is that you can write code directly in a single source file without any class/Main and other function definitions in the project. In this case, behind the scenes, the compiler puts this into a static Main function of a class we don't see. The motivation for its introduction was to reduce boilerplate code for very simple, "script-like" applications.
  • Implicit global usings. Depending on exactly what project type you have created, certain fundamental namespaces will be automatically using in all source files behind the scenes (the compiler uses the global using directive for this). The point is: this way, developers don't have to add certain frequently used namespaces (e.g. System.IO, System.Collections.Generic, etc.) in each source file.
  • Static using. In C#, you can also use static classes instead of namespaces, so you do not have to explicitly reference them. A common case is the use of the Console or Math class.

    using static System.Console;
    namespace ConsoleApp12
        internal class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                WriteLine("Hello, World!");
  • File-scoped namespaces. Also a C# 10 simplification that lets you skip braces when declaring namespaces, so the namespace applies to the entire file:

    namespace HelloWorld;
    internal class Program
        // ...

Inconsistent visibility or inconsistent accessibility error

During the the semester, while implementing programming tasks, you may encounter a compiler error complaining about inconsistent visibility or inconsistent accessibility. This phenomenon is due to the possibility to control the visibility of each type (class, interface, etc.) in a .NET environment:

  • internal or no visibility is specified: the type is visible only inside the assembly (.exe, .dll)/project
  • public: the type is also visible to other assemblies/projects

The easiest way to avoid this error is to define all our types as public, e.g.:

public class HardDisk
    // ...

Theoretical overview

The following subchapters do not contain tasks; they are meant to introduce students to relevant theoretical topics with examples.

A) Theory of the relationship between the UML class diagram and code [student]*

The material is available here: The relationship between the UML class diagram and code. This topic was covered in the previous semester in the Software Technology course.

B) Interface and abstract (base) class [student]*

The material is available here: Interface and abstract (base) class.


  • The concept and definition of an abstract class in C#
  • The concept and definition of an interface in C#
  • Comparison of abstract base class and interface

Task 2 - Illustrating the relationship between UML and code

Task description - Equipment inventory

Task: We were asked to develop a computer parts inventory application. In details:

  • We need to be able to handle different types of parts. Initially, HardDisk, SoundCard and LedDisplay types should be supported, but the system should be easily extensible to new types.
  • The data related to the parts are: year of purchase, age (calculated), purchase price and current price (calculated), but may also include type-specific data (e.g. capacity for HardDisk).
  • The actual price depends on the type of part, the purchase price and the part’s manufacturing year. For example, the older the part, the higher the discount, but the discount depends on the part type.
  • You must be able to list the parts in stock.
  • The LedDisplay class must be derived from a DisplayBase class, and the source code of the DisplayBase class cannot be changed. In this example, it may not seem particularly meaningful, but in practice, we often encounter similar situations where the framework/platform we are using requires us to derive from a built-in class. Typically, this is the case when working with windows, forms, or custom control types: they must inherit from the framework's built-in classes, and we don't have (or at least certainly don't want to change) the source code of the framework - e.g. Java, .NET. Our example simulates that scenario by requiring that LedDisplay inherit from DisplayBase.

In our implementation, we are making a big simplification: the parts are only stored in memory, and the listing is as simple as possible, simply by writing the data of the registered parts to the console.

During the initial discussions, we receive the following information from the client: an internal staff member has already started the development, but due to lack of time, they have only reached a half-finished solution. Part of our task is to understand the semi-finished solution and to implement the task from there.

Class Diagram

Open the source code solution provided by our client by following the steps below.

To do this, clone the Git repository of the initial project, available online on GitHub, to a new folder of its own within C:\Work: e.g: C:\Work\NEPTUN\lab1. In this new folder, open a command line or powershell and run the following git command:

git clone


You will read more about Git as a source code management system in the context of the first homework assignment.

Open the Visual Studio solution src/EquipmentInventory.sln in the cloned folder.

In Solution Explorer, run through the files by eye. It would help to understand the relationships between classes by displaying them on a class diagram. Let's add a class diagram in our project. In the Solution Explorer, right-click on the project (not the solution!), select Add/New Item from the pop-up menu, then in the window that appears, select Class Diagram. Enter as the name of the diagram at the bottom of the window, then click OK.

Missing Class Diagram template

If the Class Diagram item does not appear in the list, then the appropriate component of VS is not installed. You can read more about this in the Prerequisites section of this document.

At this point, the diagram file appears in the Solution Explorer, double-click to open it. The diagram is currently empty. Drag and drop the .cs files from the Solution Explorer onto the diagram. Visual Studio then examines the classes in those source files and reverse-engineers them into UML classes. Arrange them to match the figure below (expand the class members by clicking the double arrow in the upper-right corner of each class shape):

Initial class diagram

You can also view the source code for the classes, either by double-clicking on the corresponding class on the diagram or by opening the .cs files from Solution Explorer. We observe the following:

  • The SoundCard, HardDisk and LedDisplay classes are relatively well-developed, with the necessary attributes and getter functions.
  • LedDisplay inherits from the DisplayBase class as required.
  • EquipmentInventory is responsible for handling the inventory of parts in stock, but practically none of this is implemented.
  • There is an IEquipment interface with GetAge and GetPrice methods.


Let's start working on the solution. First, establish the basic concepts. In the EquipmentInventory class, we will store different part types in a heterogeneous collection. This is the key to uniform handling of parts, enabling the solution to be easily extended with new part types.

As discussed earlier, unified management can be achieved either by implementing a common base class or a common interface. In our case, a common base class (e.g. EquipmentBase) is ruled out because LedDisplay is already forced to inherit from DisplayBase, and .NET does not allow multiple inheritance from classes. We also cannot modify DisplayBase so that it inherits from EquipmentBase (the requirement says we cannot modify its source code). So, an interface-based approach remains. Likely, the earlier developer reached the same conclusion and introduced the IEquipment interface.

Add a generic list of IEquipment type elements (not property but field!) to the EquipmentInventory class. Its visibility - striving for encapsulation - should be private. The name should be equipment (no "s" at the end, in English the plural of equipment is also equipment). To add a member variable, we use the Visual Studio Class Details window. If the window is not visible, it can be displayed by selecting View / Other Windows / Class Details.

Class Details

So the field type is List<IEquipment>. The .NET List type is a dynamically resizing generic array (like ArrayList in Java). Looking at the EquipmentInventory class in the diagram, we see that only the name of the member variable is displayed, not the type. Right-click on the background of the diagram and from the Change Members Format menu, select Display Full Signature. Then the field type will be visible, and method signatures will also be fully displayed.


Double-clicking the EquipmentInventory class navigates to its source code, and indeed we see a list field there:

class EquipmentInventory
    private List<IEquipment> equipment;

On the one hand, we are pleased because Visual Studio supports round-trip engineering: changes to the model are immediately reflected in the code, and vice versa. On the other hand, we have previously discussed that if a class has a collection of members from another class, then it "fits" in the UML model as a type 1-to-many association relation between the two classes. Currently, we do not see that in our model. Fortunately, the VS modelling interface can be made to display this type of connection in this form. To do this, right-click on the equipment field on the diagram and select Show as Collection Association from the menu. The IEquipment interface should then be moved to the right to allow enough space on the diagram to display the association relationship and the role on the relationship:

Collection association

The double arrow ending on the "many" side is not standard UML, but don't worry about it, it's not important. The important thing is that the narrow representing the relationship at the IEquipment end displays the role (field) name (and even the exact type).

Navigate to the source code of EquipmentInventory and write the constructor that initializes the equipment collection:

public EquipmentInventory()
    equipment = new List<IEquipment>();

Next, implement the ListAll method that prints each item’s age and current value:

public void ListAll()
    foreach (IEquipment eq in equipment)
        Console.WriteLine($"Age: {eq.GetAge()}\tPrice: {eq.GetPrice()}");

Iterate through the elements using the foreach statement. The in keyword is followed by the collection, and before in is a variable declaration (in this case IEquipment eq) whose type matches the collection’s element type. In each iteration, this variable gets the current element from the collection.

The Console.WriteLine method can take a simple string or, as in our case, a formatting string. The substitutions are solved by string interpolation: the values to be substituted must be given between {}. If string interpolation is used, the string must start with $.

Write a function called AddEquipment that adds a new piece of equipment to the inventory:

public void AddEquipment(IEquipment eq)

Implementers of IEquipment

According to our earlier decision, we use the IEquipment interface to uniformly handle different part types. In our example, both SoundCard and HardDisk have GetAge() and GetPrice() methods, yet we cannot treat them uniformly (e.g., store them in a common list) because they do not actually implement IEquipment. Let’s fix that. Modify their declarations:

public class SoundCard : IEquipment
public class HardDisk : IEquipment

Then, in each class (SoundCard and HardDisk), we have to implement the methods defined by the IEquipment interface. In our case, GetPrice and GetAge are already implemented. That’s convenient.

As a test, in our Main function in Program.cs, create an EquipmentInventory object, add some HardDisk and SoundCard objects, and then list them. . If the current year is not 2021, replace 2021 shown below with your current year (and 2020 with one less than that):

static void Main( string[] args )
    EquipmentInventory ei = new EquipmentInventory();

    ei.AddEquipment(new HardDisk(2021, 30000, 80));
    ei.AddEquipment(new HardDisk(2020, 25000, 120));
    ei.AddEquipment(new HardDisk(2020, 25000, 250));

    ei.AddEquipment(new SoundCard(2021, 8000));
    ei.AddEquipment(new SoundCard(2020, 7000));
    ei.AddEquipment(new SoundCard(2020, 6000));


Running the application, we can see that although our solution is still basic, it works:

Console output

Continue with the LedDisplay class. The DisplayBase source code cannot be modified due to requirements. But this doesn't cause any problems, our LedDisplay class will implement the IEquipment interface, so modify the code accordingly:

public class LedDisplay : DisplayBase, IEquipment

In the LedDisplay class, we already need to implement the methods in the interface:

public double GetPrice()
    return this.price;

public int GetAge()
    return DateTime.Today.Year - this.manufacturingYear;

Let's extend our Main function by adding two LedDisplay objects to our set (again, if 2021 is not the current year, adjust the year in the following lines accordingly):

ei.AddEquipment(new LedDisplay(2020, 80000, 17, 16));
ei.AddEquipment(new LedDisplay (2021, 70000, 17, 12));


Test by running the application.

Task 3 - Application of the interface and the abstract primitive class

Interface problems

Let’s evaluate our current interface-based solution.

One main issue is that our code is full of code duplication that harms maintainability and extensibility:

  • The yearOfCreation and newPrice fields are common to all part types (except the special LedDisplay), and must be copy-pasted when a new type is introduced.
  • The implementation of the GetAge function is the same for all component types (except for the special LedDisplay), so we would copy-paste it again.
  • The lines of the constructors that initialize yearOfCreation and newPrice are similarly duplicated.

Although this code duplication does not seem significant at the moment, the situation is getting worse as new component types are introduced, and it is better to prevent future pains in time.

Another problem arises because part listing is incomplete: we only see the item’s age and price, not its type. To display the type, the IEquipment interface must be extended, e.g. by introducing a method called GetDescription. Let's add a GetDescription function to the interface:

public interface IEquipment
    double GetPrice();
    int GetAge();
    string GetDescription();

Then every class implementing the IEquipment interface would have to implement this method, which is a lot of work for many classes (and often not even feasible for a multi-component application, i.e. one with several DLLs, when they are not in the hands of a single developer). Run the Build command to check that after adding GetDescription, you get compilation errors in three places.

Default implementations in interfaces

INote that from C# 8 onward (and on .NET or .NET Core runtime, not supported under .NET Framework), it’s possible to provide default implementations for interface methods (default interface methods), so to solve the above problem you don't need an abstract class, but you still cannot have instance fields in an interface. More information here: default interface methods.

public interface IEquipment
    double GetPrice();
    int GetAge();
    string GetDescription() { return "EquipmentBase"; }

Abstract class

A solution to both problems is the introduction of a common abstract base class (except for the LedDisplay class, which we will come back to later). In this abstract base class, we can place the code common to all part types, and we can provide a default implementation of newly added GetDescription method. Let our new abstract base class be called EquipmentBase. The question is whether the IEquipment interface is still needed, or whether it can be completely replaced by the new EquipmentBase class. We need to keep the IEquipment interface, because we cannot derive our LedDisplay class from EquipmentBase: it already has a mandatory base class, DisplayBase. For this reason, EquipmentInventory in our enhanced solution also refers to the different components as IEquipment interface.

Let's begin the transformation. Let our class diagram be the active tab. From the Toolbox, add an Abstract Class element onto the diagram with drag&drop, and name it EquipmentBase.

Toolbox - abstract class

In the following, we need to make the SoundCard and HardDisk classes derive from EquipmentBase (LedDisplay already has another base class, so we cannot do this there). To do this, select the Inheritance relationship in the Toolbox, then draw a line from the child class to the base class for both SoundCard and HardDisk.

In the next step, we want EquipmentBase to implement the IEquipment interface instead of SoundCard and HardDisk directly. To do this, modify the EquipmentBase class to implement the interface (either by drawing an inheritance link from EquipmentBase to IEquipment on the diagram, or by modifying the source code of EquipmentBase). Delete the implementation of IEquipment from the HardDisk and SoundCard classes (the base class already implements it).

The relevant parts of our diagram and source code will then look like this:

EquipmentBase, HardDisk, and SoundCard

public abstract class EquipmentBase : IEquipment
public class HardDisk : EquipmentBase
public class SoundCard : EquipmentBase

The code won’t compile yet for several reasons. The EquipmentBase class implements the IEquipment interface, but it does not yet implement the interface methods. Either generate the methods using the smart tag, or type them according to the following principles:

  • newPrice and yearOfCreation are duplicated in the HardDisk and SoundCard classes: move (not copy!) them to EquipmentBase and make them protected.
  • The GetAge method is also duplicated in the HardDisk and SoundCard classes, delete the implementation from these and move it to the EquipmentBase class.
  • The GetPrice method should be declared abstract in the base class. This is an intentional design choice, that forces each subclass to override this operation anyway.
  • In the case of GetDescription, the opposite is true: we give an implementation in the base class marked as virtual(not abstract), so child classes are not forced to override it.

The code corresponding to the above is:

public abstract class EquipmentBase : IEquipment
    protected int yearOfCreation;
    protected int newPrice;

    public int GetAge()
        return DateTime.Today.Year - yearOfCreation;

    public abstract double GetPrice();

    public virtual string GetDescription()
        return "EquipmentBase";

A few additional remarks on the code snippet:

  • For abstract classes, the keyword abstract must be written before the word class.
  • For abstract methods, use the keyword abstract
  • .NET allows you to control whether methods are virtual or not. In this respect, it is similar to C++. To make a function virtual, the keyword virtual must be used. Reminder: define a method as virtual if it might be overridden by its descendants. This ensures if you call it via a reference to the base class, the child’s overridden method is invoked.


Next, we handle the EquipmentBase descendants. In C#, when overriding abstract or virtual methods in child classes, we must use the override keyword. First, override GetPrice:

public override double GetPrice()
    return yearOfCreation < (DateTime.Today.Year - 4)
        ? 0
        : newPrice - (DateTime.Today.Year - yearOfCreation) * 5000;
public override double GetPrice()
    return yearOfCreation < (DateTime.Today.Year - 4)
        ? 0 
        : newPrice - (DateTime.Today.Year - yearOfCreation) * 2000;

In the next step, the GetDescription method is implemented in the HardDisk and SoundCard classes. Since the virtual function of the base class is being overridden here, the override keyword is needed:

public override string GetDescription()
    return "Hard Disk";
public override string GetDescription()
    return "Sound Card";

One might ask why the designers of the C# language decided to add an extra keyword to the definition of methods, which was not necessary in the case of C++. The reason is simple: the code is more expressive. Looking at the descendant code, the word override clearly indicates that this operation is abstract or virtual in one of the base classes, without having to to search up the entire class hierarchy.

Base class of LedDisplay

LedDisplay is forced to inherit from DisplayBase, whose code we can’t change, so it can’t inherit from EquipmentBase. This means we cannot remove the code duplication for GetAge from LedDisplay, this is preserved here (but only for LedDisplay, which is only one class among many!).


In fact, with a bit of extra work, we could avoid even that duplication by adding a static helper method in e.g. EquipmentBase that calculates the age based on its parameter containing the manufacturing year. Then both EquipmentBase.GetAge and LedDisplay.GetAge could call that helper method.

We still need to implement GetDescription in LedDisplay:

public string GetDescription()
    return "Led Display";

Note that we do NOT write the override keyword here. When an interface function is implemented, override is not required/allowed to be written.

Using GetDescription

Finally, let’s modify the EquipmentInventory.ListAll method so that the description of the items are also printed:

public void ListAll()
    foreach (IEquipment eq in equipment)
        Console.WriteLine($"Description: {eq.GetDescription()}\t" +
            $"Age: {eq.GetAge()}\tPrice: {eq.GetPrice()}");

Now we get a more informative output:

Console output

Constructor code duplication

If we review our code, there is still some duplication in our constructors. Each descendant of EquipmentBase (HardDisk, SoundCard) has the same lines in its constructor:

 this.yearOfCreation = yearOfCreation;
 this.newPrice = newPrice;

If you think about it, these yearOfCreation and newPrice fields are defined in the base class, so it should be responsible for their initialization. Let's add a corresponding constructor in EquipmentBase:

public EquipmentBase(int yearOfCreation, int newPrice)
    this.yearOfCreation = yearOfCreation;
    this.newPrice = newPrice;

In the HardDisk and SoundCard constructors, remove the two lines that initialize those fields. Instead, call the base constructor via the base keyword:

public HardDisk(int yearOfCreation, int newPrice, int capacityGB)
    : base(yearOfCreation, newPrice)
    this.capacityGB = capacityGB;
public SoundCard(int yearOfCreation, int newPrice)
    : base(yearOfCreation, newPrice)


By combining an interface and an abstract base class, we get a solution that involves the fewest compromises:

  • Referencing parts through the IEquipment interface lets us handle all part types uniformly, including those with a required base class (LedDisplay). (With an abstract base class alone, we could not achieve this.)
  • Introducing EquipmentBase as an abstract base class lets us move the shared code for various part types (except one) into a single place, avoiding duplication.
  • Introducing EquipmentBase also lets us provide a default implementation for newly added methods in the IEquipment interface (e.g., GetDescription), so we are not forced to define them in every implementer of IEquipment.

Finally, let's take a look at the UML (like) class diagram of our solution:

Final class diagram

C# 11 – Static interfaces

A new feature in C# 11 is the ability to define static interface members, so that a class implementing the interface must provide certain static members. More info

Note - optional homework practice

In our current solution, component-specific data (e.g. capacity for HardDisk) is not displayed when listing the parts. To accomplish that, the formatting of component data as a string should be moved from EquipmentInventory into the component classes, following the principles below:

  • We could add a GetFormattedString method to the IEquipment interface that returns a string. Alternatively, we could override ToString(), since in .NET every type implicitly inherits from System.Object, which has a virtual ToString() method.
  • In EquipmentBase, we could implement the formatting of common fields (description, price, age) into a string.
  • If a component also has type-specific data, then its class overrides the function that formats it into a string: this function must first call its ancestor (using the base keyword), then append its own formatted data to it, and return with this string.

2025-02-17 Szerzők